
With education, all is possible. Since before the publishing of her book, “It Takes a Village”, Hillary Clinton has been committed to children and early childhood education. She believes a child is born with that right. She will expand what currently works and work to include more vulnerable communities. She will make preschool education available for every child. She will reinvigorate efforts to support parents seeking and paying for childcare.

Hillary will launch programs to build and to renovate schools in cities and rural towns across America. She will work to expand opportunities to learn computer education and skills, fight to increase teacher pay and make common-sense student achievement standards.

Hillary will initiate making debt-free college a reality. All community colleges will offer free tuition. She will increase Federal government will increase support to historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic oriented institutions and other minority serving colleges and universities.

Hillary will be the President that values education for every person and community. With education, all is possible.